(Please read this file with SimpleText, not TeachText.)
Thanks for checking out Descent II! This file includes tips on playing, tips for making the game run as fast as possible, a troubleshooting section, a customer support section, and other stuff. Please read it.
How To Order
The full 30-level version of Descent II is available at your favorite retailer, or contact MacPlay directly:
North America: Call 1-800-4-MACPLAY. Mention code DTE6 for a special price.
Europe: Call +44 (0) 1628 423666.
Japan: Call 03 5421 3721.
Everywhere: E-mail us at orderdesk@interplay.com.
Registering Descent II
After you install Descent II, please open the "Register with MacPlay" application to register your purchase of Descent II with MacPlay. We'll sign you up for a free subscription to our "MacPlay Today" newsletter, and we'll notify you about any product updates or patches and new offers. You can register via modem on our toll-free registration hotline if you prefer, or you can print out the registration form and mail or fax it to us.
System Software Requirements
Descent II requires certain system software in order to run. Please make sure that you have the following:
Ñ Sound Manager 3.1 or later is required.
Ñ Apple Modem Tool is required to play modem games.
Ñ Serial Tool is required to play serial games.
Ñ Novell's MacIPX¬ is required to play IPX netgames.
You can obtain Sound Manager 3.1, Apple Modem Tool, and Serial Tool from various Apple online sources, including Apple's World Wide Web page at http://www.apple.com/. All this software including MacIPX is included on the Descent II CD-ROM, if you buy the commercial version.
System Hardware Requirements
Descent II requires any Power Macintosh computer (or compatible) with a 13" or larger (that is, 640 x 480 or larger) color monitor, 15MB free hard disk space, and 9728K free memory. We recommend you have 12000K free memory with Virtual Memory turned off.
For the full 30-level commercial version of Descent II CD-ROM, we recommend 16000K free memory with Virtual Memory turned off.
Descent II And Low Memory
If you have less than 12000K free memory before you start to play Descent II, here are some steps we recommend for optimal Descent II performance. We recommend you follow the steps in order.
1. Double-click Descent II and start to play. If the game runs well, then play, and ignore the rest of this list!
2. Disable unnecessary Extensions and Control Panels with the "Extensions Manager" Control Panel. You should disable all Extensions and Control Panels except the following, which should be enabled:
Sound Manager 3.1 (if present)
Any needed joystick extensions, if you have a joystick
Any needed network extensions, if you are going to play a net game
3. Turn Virtual Memory off in the "Memory" Control Panel.
4. Restart your Macintosh and play again. If the game itself runs well, then you're set! Ignore the rest of this list.
5. You can speed up the game throughout by shrinking the window size with the minus ("-") key. You can also speed up the game by turning the detail levels down on the "Options..." screen.
6. You can speed up the game by turning sound off in the configuration dialog box that appears when you first launch Descent II. However, you should only do this as a last resort -- sound effects are very important to let you know about missile lock warnings and when you're getting shot!
Special Notes
The following are Descent II special notes. If you are having a problem with Descent II and can't find the problem noted in this file, see the "Troubleshooting" file, or see the bottom of this file for technical support information.
Ñ This Descent II 3-level preview for the Macintosh can't play network games against the 3-level Descent II preview for the PC. Hence, the only reason to choose to play IPX network games with this preview version is that IPX games are sometimes faster than AppleTalk games. The 30-level commercial version of Descent II can play IPX network games against the 30-level commercial version for the PC.
Ñ The Descent II 3-level preview will not support external missions that you find on the net. The 30-level commercial version will have full support for external missions.
Ñ If you use a non-extended keyboard, such as the Apple Keyboard II, you won't be able to use the function keys that Descent II commonly refers to. You can use the key plus a number key instead of a function key. For instance, when the game or manual refers to the F5 key, you may also type 5. Also, if you don't have an extended keyboard, you'll only be able to join IPX network games of Descent II on the default socket.
Ñ The Descent II Official Strategy Guide is available from Prima Publishing. To order, call 1-800-531-2343. Also available at better bookstores and multimedia outlets nationwide.
Starting Descent II
If this is the first time you╒ve started Descent II, you╒ll be asked to enter your pilot name. Enter a name and press Return. This name is used to save your settings and to identify yourself during multiplayer games.
You will then be asked to choose an input device. Click on the device you want to play with.
You will now be at Descent II╒s Main Menu.
To jump right into the game, click New Game and choose a skill level. Trainee is recommended for first╤time players.
Descent II screens
When Descent II displays any options screen, you can click on whatever option you want, or if you don't want to move your hands off the keyboard, you can navigate around the screen with the arrow keys, the space bar to toggle an option, the Return key to choose an option, and the ESC key to go back.
When in the game, you can hit the <F1> key to bring up a list of keyboard commands. Hitting <F2> while playing the game will bring up the Game Options screen. Certain screens have special control keys; see the descriptions of those menus for more information.
Main Option Screen
The Main Option Screen offers the following choices:
NEW GAME Start a new game of Descent II. You may begin on any level you have reached in previous games.
LOAD GAME Resume a previously saved game. Saved games are specific to your pilot file, so be sure the proper pilot is selected.
MULTIPLAYER Takes the player to a screen where he can choose to start or join a multiplayer network, modem, or serial game.
OPTIONS Takes you to the Options Screen (see below).
CHANGE PILOTS Allows you to change the current pilot or create a new one. All control configurations and saved games are stored in your pilot file.
VIEW DEMO Lets you play back a recorded demo file.
HIGH SCORES See Descent II High Scores.
CREDITS See the list of people who created Descent II.
QUIT This will return you to the Finder.
The Options screen offers the following choices:
SOUND EFFECTS & MUSIC: Displays a screen with four additional settings:
FX VOLUME Changes the volume of sound effects.
MIDI MUSIC VOLUME Changes volume of music.
SOUND MANAGER VOLUME Changes the overall volume setting of the game.
REVERSE STEREO Allows you to reverse the stereo sound channels. This is sometimes necessary for earphones, speakers, or extension cables that are wired incorrectly.
CONTROLS Takes you to the Controls Screen (see below).
CALIBRATE JOYSTICK If your joystick drifts, you probably need to calibrate it. Also available in the game by hitting Shift-F7. (Not all joysticks will need calibration. For more information see the joystick section of this file.)
BRIGHTNESS If you have trouble seeing details on your game screen, try adjusting this slider because some monitors are darker than others.
DETAIL LEVELS Allows you to adjust the Detail Levels of Descent II (see below).
TOGGLES This menu contains several toggle options for Descent II.
PRIMARY/SECONDARY AUTOSELECT ORDERING These screens allow you to choose the ╥preferences╙ of your weapon Autoselection. When you pick up a weapon in the game, it will be autoselected if it appears higher on the list than the weapon you are currently using. Weapons appearing below the ╥Never Autoselect╙ line will not be autoselected, and must be manually selected. To move the position of an item in the list, use the arrow keys to select that item, then hold down the Shift key and use the arrow keys to move the item. Release the Shift key when the item is in the desired position.
The Controls screen:
Use this screen to select and configure your input device. You can use the keyboard, mouse, or a joystick. All changes are saved to your player file for future use.
Click on the device you want to use to play the game. After choosing your device, you can select the "Customize Above" option to change the function of the various buttons and other controls on that device. Note that your keyboard will always be available. To reassign the controls of your keyboard, choose the Customize Keyboard option.
To change an entry in the Customize Above or Customize Keyboard screens, click on the function you want to change. Then press the key or button you want to assign to that function. For axis entries, select which axis you wish to change, then move your joystick along the new axis. (For some devices you may need to use the appropriate Control Panel in conjunction with the Customize Keyboard and Customize Above menu. Please refer to the Joystick section of the manual for additional information.)
JOYSTICK/MOUSE SENSITIVITY This will allow you to adjust how much your ship will react to the movements of your joystick or mouse .
Detail Levels Screen
Select one of the five detail level settings. Lower settings will give faster screen updates in the game; higher settings will give better graphics quality.
You may also chose the Custom Settings option. There are six different settings you can adjust in the Custom Details screen:
Object Complexity: This affects the number of polygons used by objects like robots, player ships, and other 3D objects. Lower values will increase speed but simplify the shape of many objects.
Object Detail: This determines at what distance an object changes from flatshaded to texture-mapped details. Setting this slider to a lower value will cause robots to be flat-shaded much closer.
Wall Detail: This option determines at what distance walls appear flat-shaded vs. texture-mapped. It also affects the accuracy vs. speed of the texture mapper. A low setting here can cause walls to become jittery and/or warped-looking.
Wall Render Depth: This will change the maximum distance you can see. Lower values will increase the speed of Descent, but will cause flat-colored ╥walls╙ to appear in long hallways. These boundaries do not affect weapons or their objects, only your visuals.
Amount of Debris: Changing this slider will determine how much debris is made when robots explode. Setting this to a low value will make fewer pieces in heavy combat.
Sound Channels: In addition to visuals, sound can have a minor effect on the speed of your game as well. This slider will change the maximum number of sounds that can be played at once.
Toggles Screen
These checkbox items control various game settings.
Ship Autoleveling: If this is on, your PyroGX ship will attempt to align itself with the curvature of the mine tunnels. This is useful for first-time Descent II players, but you may want to turn it off once you╒re accustomed to full 3D flight.
Show Reticle: Allows you to turn the targeting reticle display on or off.
Missile View: When enabled, this will show a ╥missile cam╙ view in your secondary weapons display. When a missile is not in the air, the weapons display will work normally. This option is enabled by default, but can be disabled for a small increase in game speed.
Headlight On When Picked Up: When this option is checked, your headlight will default to ON when the powerup is picked up. You may then turn it on or off manually.
Show Guided Missile in Main Display: If enabled, this will show the guided missile view in the main display (showing your ship╒s view in the small window). If disabled, the guided missile view will show in a small window.
Escort Robot Hot Keys: When this is turned on, you may command the Guide-Bot using the Shift-1 through Shift-0 hot keys instead of selecting a command from the Guide-Bot menu.
Pixel Doubling: With pixel doubling ON, you will be able to play at a lower resolution in order to maximize your game speed. During game play, D will toggle pixel doubling on and off.
Keyboard Controls
This section describes keys that are active during game play. Many of the keys can be reconfigured in the Options:Controls:Customize Keyboard screen.
For information of key usage in menus, see above.
[ESC] Abort game
[F1] Help screen
[F2] Options
[F3] Toggle cockpit on/off
[F4] Drop marker
[F5] Record demo
[SHIFT+F7] Calibrate joystick
[CMD-S] Save game
[CMD-O] Open saved game
[CMD-P] Pause the game if playing a single-player game.
OR In multiplayer games, this will display a game info
[PAUSE] screen.
[+/-] Change window size
[CMD- Save screen shot. (Saved in PICT format.)
[CMD-D] Toggles pixel double mode on and off.
[SHIFT-F1] Cycle left camera view window
[SHIFT-F2] Cycle right camera view window
[SHIFT-F4] Bring up Guide-Bot Command Menu
[SHIFT-1] Guide-Bot commands
[OPTION- Rename Guide-Bot
The following keys are active only during multiplayer games:
[F6] Allow player to join restricted game
[F7] Toggle between multiplayer HUD displays
[F8] Send message
[F9] Send Taunt macros
[SHIFT-F9] Define F9-F12
[OPTION-1] Select team for new player (available only in full version)
[OPTION-F5] Toggle display of player names on HUD
[OPTION-F6] Change player name display on HUD
The following keys can be reassigned on the Options:Controls screen. The defaults are shown here:
Flying controls:
[left arrow, right arrow] or [PAD4,PAD6] Turn left, right
[up arrow, down arrow] or [PAD8,PAD2] Rotate up, down
[OPTION] Slide
[PAD1] / [PAD3] Slide left/right
[PAD-] / [PAD+] Slide up/down
[A] Forward
[Z] Reverse
[Q] or [PAD7] Bank left
[E] or [PAD9] Bank right
[S] Afterburner (with Power╤up)
[CONTROL] Fire primary
[SPACE] Fire secondary
[B] Drop proximity bomb/smart mine
[F] Fire flare
[SHIFT-F5] Drop currently-selected primary weapon
[SHIFT-F6] Drop currently-selected secondary weapon
[,] / [.] Cycle primary/secondary weapons
Weapon Selection:
Each selection key will switch between the two weapons assigned to that key. For instance, if you hit 3 you'll switch to the Spreadfire Cannon, and hitting 3 again will switch to the Helix Cannon. Descent II will remember which of the two weapons you last selected, and when you hit that key again, you'll return to the weapon at that number that you last used.
Key Weapon 1 Weapon 2
1 Lasers SuperLasers(used as laser levels 5 & 6)
2 Vulcan Cannon Gauss Cannon
3 Spreadfire Cannon Helix Cannon
4 Plasma Cannon Phoenix Cannon(CR)
5 Fusion Cannon(CR) Omega Cannon(CR)
6 Concussion Missile Flash Missile
7 Homing Missile Guided Missile
8 Proximity Bomb Smart Mine
9 Smart Missile Mercury Missile(CR)
0 Mega Missile(CR) EarthShaker Missile(CR)
[,] Cycle primary weapon
[.] Cycle secondary weapon
(CR) These weapons are only available in the commercial release version of Descent II.
NOTE: The two cycle keys will select the next available weapon of that type. The order of the list can be changed under the Options:Autoselect Ordering menus.
Other Keys:
[R] Select rear view
[T] Transfer energy to shield╤only works if the player╒s ship has more
than 100 energy
[H] Toggle headlight on/off, if player has the Headlight power-up
[TAB] Automap
Automap controls:
Ñ To rotate the Map, use the ship╒s turning keys.
Ñ To move the Map, use the ship╒s sliding keys.
Ñ To move in and out of the Map, use the forward/reverse keys.
Ñ To show more or less of the Map, use + or - keys.
Ñ To reset the default Map view, use the primary weapon firing key.
Ñ 1-9 selects marker.
Ñ [Control-D] Deletes selected marker.
New Features In The Descent II Commercial Release
When you buy the full version of Descent II, you get:
Ñ 30 new levels
Ñ 30+ new robots, including new bosses
Ñ 10+ new weapons & powerups
Ñ Afterburner
Ñ Full-map powerup
Ñ Ammo rack powerup
Ñ Energy -> shield transfers
Ñ Flash missiles
Ñ Guided missiles -- pilot your own missile around the level
Ñ Smart mines
Ñ Headlight powerup
Ñ New CD soundtrack featuring Ogre from Skinny Puppy
Ñ Full-motion cinematics
Ñ New anarchy levels
Ñ Flowing water, lava, and seismic disturbances
Ñ Advanced AI including thieves, snipers, and escort robots
Ñ Enhanced lighting effects (blastable lights!)
Ñ Automap markers with text descriptors
Ñ Minefields
Ñ New control boxes, forcefields, and triggers
Ñ Multiple HUD camera views including teammates, missiles, and markers
Ñ Custom weapon autoselection priorities
Ñ Advanced secret level system :-)
Ñ Drop weapons at any time
New multiplayer features:
Ñ Capture the flag
Ñ Option to disallow any weapon
Ñ Play by kills or by time limit
Ñ Player handicapping
Ñ Flexible player limits
Ñ Improved slow-packet handling
Ñ Restricted game mode
New robots and abilities:
Ñ GuideBot
Ñ Thief grabs stuff off your ship
Ñ Snipers
Ñ Energy Drainers
Ñ More advanced AI behavior
Ñ Robots fire multiple weapons
Ñ Some robots try to get behind the player in battle
Ñ More dynamic robot behavior with more complex strategies based on the player's actions
Notes On Features New To Descent II - For Those Already Familiar With Descent
Ñ GuideBot: An automated GuideBot is available on each level (except secret levels). He can be a huge help navigating through the mines.
Ñ Thief-Bots: Not all the new robots in Descent II are designed to help you. Thief robots are fast and evil robots, designed to steal your weaponry when you least expect it. If you kill a Thief robot, he will drop items he has stolen from you. If he's stolen more than a few items, though, there's always the chance one or two will be destroyed.
Ñ Guided Missiles: A great weapon with versatile uses. When you fire a guided missile, your pitch/bank and roll controls will start to control the flight path of the missile. The remaining controls (throttle, sliding) will still control your ship. You will continue to control the guided missile until it runs out of fuel (30 seconds), it hits an object or wall, or until you hit the fire key again, at which point the guided missile will "home" like a homing missile. When you fire the guided missile, its camera view will be shown in the secondary weapons display. You can change this view to a full-screen display in the Options/Toggles screen.
Ñ Afterburner: New to the Descent II display. When you pick up an Afterburner powerup, the new Afterburner gauge will appear. If the cockpit is on (F3), it appears as a red energy bar on the left side. In Status Bar mode, it appears below the main Energy Gauge. In Full Screen, it appears as a percentage above the Energy/Shield display on the left. The Afterburner uses a separate energy bank, which charges from your main Energy.
Ñ Autosave / Restore Backups: When you save over an existing savegame, Descent II will copy the old game to a backup file. This will allow you to restore the old game if you need to. The backup file appears as "[autosave backup]" at the bottom of the Restore Game list.
Ñ Bomb Display: A new ProxBomb/SmartMine display has been added to your screen. It appears as a red or gold "B:xx" counter somewhere on your screen. In Cockpit mode, it appears in the lower right corner. On the Status Bar, it's in the lower left of the Secondary Weapons display. In Full Screen, it's above your current weapons display on the right. If you have no ProxBombs or SmartMines, this display will be blank.
This display tells you what weapon will be dropped when you hit the Drop Bomb key (default is 'B'). If the display shows a red-colored "B:04" it means you have four ProxBombs ready to be dropped. A gold-colored display indicates SmartMines. Note that this does not indicate that the weapon is "armed" as a Secondary weapon, and only refers to the Drop Bomb key functionality.
NOTE: This display will reflect the ProxBomb/SmartMine positions in the Secondary Autoselect Ordering menu, even if they appear below the "Never Autoselect" line. Example: Both ProxBombs and SmartMines appear below the "Never" line, but ProxBombs appear higher. The "B:xx" display will change to ProxBombs over SmartMines if you have some of each.
Descent II Configuration Screen
Descent II displays a configuration screen each time you play the game:
Always use 11KHz sounds: The shareware version of Descent II only uses 11KHz sounds. The commercial version of Descent II features improved 22KHz sound effects.
Disable Sound Effects: This option will disable all sound effects (including music) in the game. If you turn this option on, Descent II will have much more memory available internally, which may improve the speed of the game in low-memory situations.
Disable MIDI music: This option will disable MIDI music in the game. Normally you should leave this option on.
Allow Resolution Switching: This option is disabled in this preview version of Descent II. In the full version of the game, this option lets you play in an 800 x 600 resolution, and lets the game display its movies to fill the entire screen.
Do not display this dialog at next start up: If you check this option, Descent II will never bother you with this dialog box again -- unless you hold down the Option key while launching the game to request the dialog box.
Tips For New Pilots
Here are a few things that help new players adjust to the fully 3D world and intelligent robots of Descent II. Heed these tips and you'll soon be blasting robot hordes (and your friends!) with ease.
Ñ Be sure to make good use of your guidebot. The guidebot can be a lifesaver when it comes to navigating Descent II's more complicated levels.
Ñ Use a quality joystick. ThrustMaster, Advanced Gravis, and CH Products provide full lines of controls well suited to 3D flying.
Ñ If you use a two-button joystick, try keeping one hand on the A and Z keys to control your FORWARD and REVERSE.
Ñ If you're up against a wall, try using REVERSE to back away instead of turning around.
Ñ Learn how to SLIDE well. Using vertical sliding instead of pitching will help keep you upright. If your joystick has a Hat Switch, use it to slide.
Ñ Rescue the hostages! If you rescue all hostages in a mine, you receive a full rescue bonus. But be sure you make it out after picking them up - if your ship's destroyed, so are they.
Ñ Try clearing a path to the exit before you attack the Main Reactor. You may run out of time if you're battling hordes of robots on your escape!
Ñ Look for secret doors. Weapons and ammo are often behind them. They can be a different color, or have small seams running down them. Keep in mind, Descent II is fully 3D, and secret doors aren't only in the walls...
Ñ In Descent II, shooting switches can open or close doors, force fields, and gateways to entire sections of the game's levels.
Ñ DON'T SIT STILL. The best way to stay alive is to keep moving. Using SLIDE to circle a target while you're firing is very effective.
Ñ Learn to use your ship's Automap. It can reveal things your eyes may miss.
Using Special Joysticks & Controllers
Descent II directly supports Thrustmaster, Gravis MouseStick II, Gravis Firebird, and CH Products joysticks.
Here are the versions of the joystick driver software we used in the development and testing of Descent II. We recommend you take a look at your joystick driver software and verify that you have the version number listed here or later.
Thrustware Application v2.0 Thrustmaster is at http://www.thrustmaster.com/
Thrustware Driver v2.0
Flightstick Pro v1.2.6-E Advanced Gravis is at http://www.gravis.com/
MouseStick II v3.3 Advanced Gravis is at http://www.gravis.com/
Firebird Control Console v1.0.2 CH Products is at http://www.chproducts.com/
Firebird BA v1.0.2
Firebird INIT v 1.0.2
Thrustmaster: DO NOT USE A DESCENT STROKES SET, or you will experience strange joystick behavior. If you have a strokes set for Descent or Descent II, remove it from the "Thrustmaster Strokes Sets" folder in your Preferences folder. Choose "Thrustmaster FCS" under Options/Controls. You should choose this option if you are using any of the Thrustmaster products. Since you won't be using a strokes set, you'll have to customize the controls within Descent II. You may use a strokes file if you wish, but to do so you will have to choose "Joystick" on the Options/Controls screen instead of "Thrustmaster FCS". Choosing to use a strokes file means you must also use keystrokes for throttle or rudder if attached.
CH Products: Choose "Flightstick Pro" under Options/Controls. In order to use Descent II's direct interface to the joystick, please be sure you are using the newest CH Products Control Panel. We have included the latest version available to us in the "Joystick Stuff" folder on the CD-ROM. If you wish to use keystroke bindings on the buttons on your Flightstick Pro, then you should choose "Joystick" under Options/Controls. Any other CH Products controls (such as throttle/rudder pedals) should also use the newest version of their respective Control Panels.
Gravis Firebird: Choose "Gravis Mousestick II/Firebird" under Options/Controls. Any Firebird stick set that you have active will be overridden by the settings you make in the 'Customize Above' menu. If you wish to use a Firebird stick set instead of using Descent II's direct interface, choose "Joystick" under Options/Controls.
Gravis Mousestick II: Choose "Gravis Mousestick II/Firebird" under Options/Controls. Be sure you do not have a Mousestick set active when using this option. There is currently no way to disable any keybindings placed onto joystick buttons. If you have a stick set defined and then use the Mousestick II controller option inside of Descent II, you may see bizarre behavior during gameplay.
Calibration Note: When using either of the directly supported Gravis devices, or a "joystick", Descent II will ask you to calibrate the device. You can re-calibrate any time by pressing Shift-F7 during game play, or by using the "Calibrate Joystick" option under Options/Controls.
Customer Service
For other Descent and Descent II-related goodies, see the #descent IRC channel and the Usenet newsgroups:
How To Order
The full 30-level version of Descent II is available at your favorite retailer, or contact MacPlay directly:
North America: Call 1-800-4-MACPLAY. Mention code DTE6 for a special price.
Europe: Call +44 (0) 1628 423666.
Japan: Call 03 5421 3721.
Everywhere: E-mail us at orderdesk@interplay.com.
Have fun!
--The crew at MacPlay and Parallax Software
General Product License. This copy of Descent II (the ╥Software╙) is intended solely for your personal noncommercial home entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as permitted by law. Interplay Productions and Parallax Software retain all right, title and interest in the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof. The Software, including, without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the Software may not be copied, resold, rented, leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay Productions at any time. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
Modem and Network Play. If the Software contains modem or network play, you may play the Software via modem transmission with another person or persons directly without transmission through a third party service or indirectly through a third party service only if such service is an authorized licensee of Interplay. For the purposes of this license, a ╥third party service╙ refers to any third party service which provides a connection between two or more users of the Software, manages, organizes, or facilitates game play, translates protocols, or otherwise provides a service which commercially exploits the Software, but does not include a third party service which merely provides a telephonic connection (and nothing more) for modem or network play. Authorized licensee services are listed on the Interplay Productions World Wide Web Site located at http://www.interplay.com. This limited right to transmit the Software expressly excludes any transmission of the Software or any data streams thereof on a commercial basis, including, without limitation, transmitting the Software by way of a commercial service (excepting those specific commercial services licensed by Interplay) which translates the protocols or manages or organizes game play sessions. If you would like information about obtaining a pay-for-play or commercial license to the Software, please call Interplay Productions at (714) 553-6655.
Acceptance of License Terms. By purchasing and retaining this Software, you assent to the terms and restrictions of this limited license. If you do not accept the terms of this limited license, you must return the Software together with all packaging, manuals and other material contained therein to the store where you purchased the Software for a full refund.